Hey Clare! Why is Today the Best Day Ever?

Well, blog, because DC has made my fangirly dreams come true today. If you've read my posts you know that I have an intense love for Geoff Johns (Blackest Night! OH MY GOD! AHH! SO GOOD! *spurts out*) and that I have an intense love for Tiny Titans (AW YEAH! ADORABLE! HILARIOUS *awesome overload*).

Two amazing things, like Peanut Butter and Chocolate, that aren't always together, but hot damn, they should be!

DC has made the Reese's Cup comic combination of my dreams come true. Today, awesomeness has hit the stands. So, don't walk, but run to buy your copy of Tiny Titans #25-- co-written by Geoff Johns.

Aw yeah Johns! Aw yeah Superboy! Aw yeah tiny, adorable Stargirl!
And, of course the interior stuff is hilarious as always. Thanks to DC Comic's blog The Source for putting up some great previews. Let's take a look, shall we?
Teehee. :) Unfortunately, I won't be able to get my hands on a copy of this for the next two weeks, but you can bet on what's at the top of my to-read list. Thank you Art Baltzar, Franco, and--for this month- Geoff Johns for making me smile.

Aw yeah Titans!

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