Jon's Looking Forward To... (9/the 10th!/2009)


Wednesday comes on Thursday this week thanks to Labor Day. So the new books will be out on Thursday September the 10th!

(From my pull-list...)

the requisite Spider-Man: "the Amazing Spider-Man" #604
This description is... awkward to say the least. This is the kind of stuff that my General Manager says is going to be gone from the main Spider-Man books when Disney starts to show their hand in half-a-year or so.

"Dark Reign: The List: Avengers"
Another Spider-Man appearance. (If you haven't guessed yet, I have what my boss likes to call "a Spider-Man problem") This looks hot. No question about it.

"The Life and Times of Savior 28" #5
I am VERY excited for this one. This series is brilliant, although the last issue was a bit of a let down compared to the first three. It was essentially set-up for the final act, I suspect. The fantastic story of this poor, poor superhero is probably going to be wrapped up in this issue. And if it is indeed the end, I will do a retrospective piece about the series because it is in many ways the new "Watchmen" and nobody knows it.

(From the take-a-peek pile...)

"The Marvels Project" #2
Well, the first issue failed to impress me but Josh feels that it was all set-up for some great stuff to come so I will check it out.

"Thunderbolts" #135
This looks and sounds damned cool.

So check back to see what I actually buy!

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