Paul Pope's "Battling Boy" Pages Pop Up

If this is as good as it looks, Paul Pope may hit the top of my list of comics creators.

A preview was released yesterday morning (hot on the heels of our recent post about a new color edition of one of Pope's earliest works) of what I believe is only his second full graphic novel, rumored to be near completion for some time:

That's a suitcase. Falling from the sky.

How sweet is that? Dramatic. Sharp. Gorgeous.

Oddly, the preview seems to have been released through

Why, on EARTH ONE OR TWO, our first look at it has been dropped there is beyond me. Says something about where comics has come as a medium though, me thinks: this preview wasn't in "Comic Shop News" but Entertainment Weekly's website. Mainstream-ization, slow but sure.

Regardless, you need to see this. Go look at this preview.

"Battling Boy" is an attempt at freestyle superhero sequential art and the roughly 200-page part 1 releases October 8th to awaiting fans everywhere.

~ @JonGorga

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